Living your dreams...


    I am happy to announce that this blog is officially in the three digits!!! πŸ“£πŸ“£

    If you are following this blog throughout the years, Thank You!!! We have had our fair share of drama and instances that occurred but we successfully achieved it.

    Who would've told my speech therapist about six years ago that I will be successfully still writing after starting it in my Dade County FCU days , ignoring it until my TBI helped me achieve a voice for myself. 😁 

    So, in honor of it being the hundredth blogpost; I will be talking about some thing that I often talk about on this blog, and that is living your dreams. I'm about to do a reverse psychology on myself; maybe I talk about it so much because I still have yet to fulfill my dreams/goals… (reaching 100 posts on this blog was definitely one of my goals way up there.) Obviously, it's not logical for me to reach all my goals because I am only 27 years old.

    Something my accident has also helped me with is how to get clear on your dreams and goals (and making sure they truly belong to you). For example, I know that some people have strict parents that have a set career for them as soon as they are born and if they don't accomplish that they're a huge disappointment, but we can't live based on some one else's expectations for our lives. 

    In the current era, we are living a time where we do whatever needs to be done to fit in with societies' standards and please everyone. 

    I recently heard while watching, Kocktails with Khloe, that's for a moment in Khloe's life she wanted to be a social worker, that was of course before her family's success... So, I am left wondering how would Khloe have been in the profession?

    Before my accident (2015), my dream varied greatly from what it is now. {I wanted to be in a very high position in the banking and finance world}; Little did I know what the universe had planned for me. 

 In the long run, I am thankful God put a pause on my life and introduced me to this new career field of Social Work more directly. I can say that I was guided by him to choose this career path.

Now as a social worker my dreams very sorta, I mean I have always secretly wanted to be a profiler of the FBI, no with the TBI, my dream of being part of the FBI is in the very distant future but as a social worker maybe I caan join a back office....... 

    The message behind this post is to never stop dreaming and believing in yourself because somehow if it's written in the universe, or in God's plan for your life, it will become reality.

    Thank you for allowing me to write for you all please don't be forget I am always here for you, if you ever need anything I am one message away.

Please be sure to follow this blog and subscribe to my YouTube channel!! 

Thank you for allowing me into your day hope all is well 

God bless you all !!! 



  1. You are an inspiration to so manyπŸ₯° God bless you, and continue being a ray of light and motivation πŸ™


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