Community Vision Board ...

 Good (enter the time you are reading this),

   First off, I’m going to ask you to please follow this blog!!! 🙏🏼❤️

     How many of you can say, if today was your last day on earth, or the zombie apocalypse was underway and superheroes from another planet were coming down to save us (much like the marvel series); can truly say, that you will have nothing pending? 

     in other words, why leave it for tomorrow, if you can do it today. If you can tell me them how you feel about them; why wait? I don’t know if I have ever said this in one of my previous post, probably not, but, tomorrow is never promised!

     We all make plans for tomorrow, next week, next month, even 5 through 10 years from now. Well, in the process we miss a very valuable moment of time and existence. That is the ‘Now’ of every moment.

     No only more times we want to rush things, we are preventing things from taking their natural flow… let’s say hypothetically speaking your life is a Mario video game and you have the glorious advantage of having three lives but, you suck at Mario 😂 and you sound to you last life. 

     How do you spend it? Would you rescue the princess? (let me know if I have the wrong game). 🤷🏻‍♀️


     I want you to join me on Pinterest creating a community vision board. (


    Tying everything back to the topic of this post... “living like today is your last day and you have nothing to lose”. We never know when our last day will be... 

So, it is best is if any and everyone of you got serious about your future… You know, when people start planning for years ahead... I am finally at that step of my life where I know exactly what I want to do and I know nothing can stop me. 😁

      I want to end this post with asking you,

                                                        What is stopping you?

Never stop dreaming!

As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.


Love and blessings,





