2nd meet a survivor- Jim

Good morning, afternoon or evening,

    As a social worker, I would like to find a common ground when speaking about each and every survivor. So for my second survivor I would like to write about Jim. Jim says he had good physical and mental health. Fact he said that his last physical was a week or two before the stroke took place. 

    It's true what everyone says that you are never really 100% confident you're going to survive something. I'm not trying to put anyone down, but I'm just saying that we have to live our life in a day to day format or mindset, because we truly never know when our life is going to be over. No matter if we are physically fit, no matter if we have an amazing mental health status, no matter if we are wealthy, or anything else; I have come to the realization now that this is another reason why we have to live every day by the sunshine and focusing on the positive aspects of life. For those who don't know that is why this blog is called living by the sunshine. I created this blog either late 2014 or early 2015 when I was dealing with insecurities about myself, actively using drugs trying to run away from my problems, (funny story about that I was commonly using, with the person that created most of my problems) and I was trying to hide it all and act like if everything was OK, therefore I thought about the positive side to everything and that is how this blog got its name "Living by the Sunshine". That's a little #FlashbackFriday for you all... But I'll go into that another time.

           Actually, I have been told that, I am mainly focus on the 

negativity and that is by far what this blog is about. 

So, I might just write a poem regarding that...     

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    Jim said he took a trip an oil industry golf tournament, the date of the stroke Jim has no recollection what he did but later in the afternoon his wife realized she hadn't heard from him all day, so she began calling the airline and the hotel to try and locate him.  They're calling the airline and being told that he wasn't there she called the hotel he was staying at, after convincing the hotel staff to check up on him. The hotel staff went up to his room where he was was found on the floor, leaving the hotel staff to presume he drank too much, (Jim had been sober since 1995). 

    He mentioned how "Somewhere in there, I had stopped drinking, and got involved in mountain biking, I was all but obsessed with mountain biking, traveling all over the USA and a few trips into Canada to ride!  Despite learning to ride dirt trails in Houston area, I became a pretty decent bike handler, and Rocky Mountains trails were great fun! (Jim mentioned how he traveled from the USA & Canada to ride.) And, yes that doesn’t seem to coincide with a life threatening stroke". 

Which brought a question to my mind... 

  • Are you so passionate about something that you 

would risk your life for? 

    Jim shared how nine months prior to the stroke he had closed on a condo in Colorado to visit and retire to... 

  • Is it better to be prepared for retirement, or the near(er) future ahead of time?

Let me know what you all think in the comments! 

Thank you for allowing me to write and share stories with you all!!

Make sure to connect https://linktr.ee/BeatrizPilarr   


