Your way, on your time! ͢ 🕐

 Your way, on your time! 



Have you ever felt pressured into something? Maybe into a certain career path because it's what would help you “fit in”.


Or maybe, you're 50 finishing your bachelors or you had to pause your career because you decided to start a family (or let's be honest maybe one night you had too much to drink or got carried away … happens to the best of us ).


but it is important to always remember everyone is on a different timeline and you know what? 


That perfectly fine! 


Your life is a masterpiece!

Some artist work a little faster, some mess up halfway and have to start all over again or they can work with the accident and later create a piece of work (life), they can be even more proud of. 


Trust me, if you ask 18-year-old me “what would you be doing in five years?” I would have said, in some other state than Miami or managing a Department with the credit union I used to work for.


Probably already started a family ...  


When in reality, I am now 24 years old six years after thinking that. 


I am still, living at home. 

I am still, going to school. 

But I have learned that life at times is just how we want it,

 (when the “odds our in our favor” or “The cards are looking up for us”)

Pero, con la misma, the Universe flips the switch and things happen. People come and go, opportunities come and go and you're left there trying to fend for yourself, Trying to ignore this messed up world just long enough to get your 6-ish Hours of sleep in …


But, don't worry! The universe is on your side; if you are clear on what you want, it will be provided directly to you. 


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.

Reach out to me if you want to get in touch!


Love and blessings,


