What you want, wants you…

Good (time of day) my beautiful readers!

            In his book, the success principles, Jack Canfield (an author and motivational speaker) says whatever you want, once you!

            Which means, that anything you put your mind to has already been set apart for you by the universe, this can be used interchangeably with God or any religious figure you prefer.

            I know, I had mentioned this before about winning miss dedicated and reaching most of the items on my “Senior Bucket list”.

            So, basically what you claim to be yours will ultimately be yours. But, this also depends on how much work you actually put into it, in other words how dedicated you are able to be in order to achieve your dreams.

            If, you are thinking if this works with humans or when you’re talking about a relationship or maybe business partners, I am just going to state that, IT WORKS WITH ALMOST EVERYTHING and usually within a specific timeline.

            So, I have this long-term goal meaning in 10 years or more to win a special prize and to give a very important talk within the next 5 years.

            To summarize this post, Jack Canfield claims you can have whatever you want because it actually wants you too!

            Set goals for yourself and you’ll be amazed how much of it you actually achieve!!!

  Please don’t forget to follow me on all my social media accounts and communicate with me.

        Like always, never ever stop dreaming, you’ll be astonished with what you achieve!!!


Thank you for sticking with me to the end! 

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To answer the question many people have, no I still don't get paid for these blogposts, but, that's the goal!!!

In the meantime I'm just enjoying writing...

