'T' table from accounting to everyday. 😁😁

Hello sun shines, 


         Please remember to follow this blog, as well as subscribe to my YouTube channel. (PRETTY PLEASE, WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!!!) 

         Have you guys ever had a week where EVERYTHING appears to be going wrong?? It might feel like you've been hit by lightning or a curse on you?? Trust me, I think most of us have, if not slide into my DMS and tell me your secret !!! Please and Thank you. 


         But, the magic in this situation and yes there's magic!!! it is having a positive outlook on life (like I said before in this blog, that's the magic of living in the sunshine… apart from living in Florida [The Sunshine State]).


         Let me give you a recent example on this principle, I think I read told you about Ted. Maybe his name changed but, yeahhhh. 


         Ted was a guy I used to really like during my life but recently, Ted got engaged ( like most of the population of 20-25 year old). I could spend days moping about missed opportunities with him; or... 

I can vow to myself, I will never put me as second option ever again 

(why I'm still party of 1, at least ).


         I believe, all humans have the right, actually the need too feel loved and wanted. And not have someone either replace them or use them.    


       Trust me! I've been on both sides ( I replaced someone rapidly, as well I have been HELLA used!!!)

You know what !!!

I am going to show you all how to make a 

‘situational ‘T’ chart’(or a PRO/CON list).


Hope I was able to relate to you and serve as encouragement for all. 


As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.




Love and blessings,







