Stop making EXCUSES?

November 16,2020

          Reasons why we make excuses?

è  We feel like it's not the right decision

è   We are certain there's no point in trying

~pre-determined failure~

è   We have tried it before but, it didn't work out as expected

Whatever your reason might be ...

It's holding you back from your ability to be your best self And to reach your highest potential.

And don't sell yourself short!!!

You might have the idea just going through your life as someone earning minimum wage with two weeks of vacation per year…

But what you don't know ... 

Is what God or the higher power (I'm not here to judge), Have already set aside for you. Declare it to be yours.

That which required endless Planning and working magic two said you up for your highest potential come to live your OWN Dreams, to celebrate the little things in life. 

In a video, I once saw, I’ll link it down below (If I'm able to find it) she explained come how one day a professor handed out 

“a test“ when the students turned the test around, they were puzzled. 

It was a blank sheet with a black dot in the middle… 


After the class was over, and the students turned in the exam where mathematically answers as to what the black dot represented.


To their surprise, the black dot Was there just to show how people sometimes focus on the little things in their lives and miss out and so much more. 

While pushing away anything God has plans for you as well.


Somatic away from this post is to stop making excuses, you might be getting in the middle of great promotion God has set aside for you, weather that be a job promotion , blessings within your family and friends or many other things. 

So, what I'm trying to say is always be ready. 

On your ‘A’ game. 

Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.

Love and blessings,

