💚🧠💚🧠 Meet Andy Oquendo...

Meet a survivor Monday!!! 

First Monday of each month...     

 This month we are meeting Andy, a Traumatic Brain Injury survivor, I had the pleasure of meeting. Like myself, Andy has been referred to as a miracle.     

 In November 19,2010, he was driving in the suburbs of Miami, with his older brother.  When they lost control of Vehicle. He emphasizes the fact it only took EMTs 8 minutes to get him from the scene of the accident to the operating room at Jackson Memorial Hospital, He says, " That a matter of moments/seconds can make a life-changing difference.
          Relating back to my own accident, as I said before EMT's, Witnesses and even Doctors gave me little to no hope of a full recovery (not their yet...), and if I survived, I would have been a vegetable. Doctors would have never expected me to be able to even write this blog, graduate with my Associates of Arts; be starting in the YouTube video making business with hopes to encourage others and survivors just starting off (mostly their families because, I could not fend for my own at first.)      But, like Andy, I have now learnt to look at life as a blessing. I see nothing wrong with giving other's what anyone wants in return (a compliment and a good laugh).    

      He started a podcast dedicated to other survivors and their family (including myself).To encourage new survivors and their family members. He says, "If I would have something to refer back to, when he started this long journey it would have helped him immeasurably. The article, stated this heartbreaking circumstance when he asked his mom (months after the accident),"Mom, where's Joey(brother)", She had to respond with Joey died.  

   Now, he is just a happy lovable person to have around. The article on him says,    "He says his philosophy in life is “A man tiempo, buena cara,” which translates directly into “to bad weather, show a good face.” The Spanish idiom about staying positive during bad times."    http://sfmn.fiu.edu/a-young-mans-miraculous-survival-and-his-podcast-about-living-with-traumatic-brain-injury/?fbclid=IwAR39v1v9_GP-KHt1VAdtXE3Pn11YNJq3LtcLn1naqPTHQ7gsmbD6AOQ39RU

written by: Beatriz De La Portilla

for the accomplishment of being close to earn his Bachelor's Degree. 
(I think, that's the degree😐😐)
July 5th... I was correct 😁😁


Readers, Please remember YOU, are the only person that sets limits for yourself.🙏🙏


@seaavision- Beatrizpilarr

Youtube▶️- BeatrizPilarr96


Thank you for reading!!! Leave a comment!!! 😉😁

 And, give my Godmother's bracelets and bows business' Instagram 
a follow!!!


Check out the website, order, share; Let me know if I can improve it in anyway!!!

Thank you and may god bless you or may the odds be in your favor...
Or, both!!!


  1. Keep showing your light and inspiring others Beatriz. I am a nurse who had a small stroke but I cannot work in a hospital any longer so I am working for my self. It took me a while to learn how to think differently so I could do my work.
    More importantly, I have a friend who had a severe TBI 30 yrs ago and he inspired me. Now he needs inspiration.

    1. Sorry, this took me so long to answer. But, I truly believe if we are still here we have a task that (mission) (our calling that we still haven't fulfilled). Can you tell your friend to send me an e-mail or contact me? I would love to talk with him.
      Thank you,


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