Till death do us part- Derek A. Tong 💚💚💚

Book Review: Till death do us part

By: Derek A. Tong

    This book review is completely VOLUNTARY, but I reached out to him many, many moons ago

and I got my hands on a copy of his books... 

    In the Epigraph he quoted Henry Wary Beecher "Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions 

us for better things". I personally believe he makes us face things that he knows we are strong enough 

to face. Which works both ways, positive and negative. 

Positive because it makes you are becoming a better person with every battle you face.

Negative because it's a lot of work and I'm particularly lazy with some things... MOST THINGS...

     Derek writes as how the hospital personnel only gave him a 15% chance of survival and that's much 

like my circumstances. My mom told me how there was one doctor who was the only one who thought 

I was going to survive, and she over heard him talking with other doctors about chance of survival.

Which makes me want to break out into Christian rap...

"You know the rest... I'm alive!!"

     I can't believe growing through life with a brain injury; Much like, Derek went. He went through all 

his life with a TBI after an accident on a mission trip with he's church when he was just a teen. 

On the other hand, I believe it was easier to go through a lifetime of this injury, getting used to this 

injury rather than living almost-completely independent life for about a year, with plans to move out 

on my own soon. But, then the accident happened...

   But, if you haven't read the book, I honestly recommend it. It's a great book with a powerful message 

it's a must read ,although unfortunately they are no longer together. 

You may get the book here, if interested.

And if anyone knows of a good publisher... Let me know, my autobiography is in the works, as I previously mentioned.


@seaavision- Beatrizpilarr

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