😆💥💥💥😆 Lifeisnowhere

If someone can explain to me this burst of energy 

on a Thursday, at 10:30 P.M. I would greatly appreciate it ?? 

But, anyhow even though I have this schedule to me posted on Monday... but, I can't control my "burst" 😂😉 .

I have 2 questions for you... I have them journaled in on my journal from January 23, 2015💙... 

Question #1-> "LIFEISNOWHERE" What do you read 1st???
When I first wrote this I read Life is now here...
I don't know if it is because I am aware of the second phrase, I now also read Life is no where.  
Question #2 -> "Are you living in the future or in the now?"
 I wrote this answer before, My life took a full 180 degree. Reading back to it, I find it funny... 
"I drift from one mindset to another, but, then again who knows what would happen in 5 years?💙"  

Little did I know, exactly four months after I would have been rushed to the ER with little to no hope of surviving. 

JESUS! that got me in my feelings.

So, I will answer myself 5 years later,  
RE: Late night wonders---> "Beatriz, in 2020 you will still be in recovery from an accident you had just in exactly 4 months after your journal entry, you have learnt so much because of this accident.
Still, not being completely at peace with the other party, but, "God, got me".
I probably thought, I would still be working in the corporate world.
Moving up, maybe in a position where many people would have been blessed to work in.
Most likely, making around $50.00 an hour.   

Let's do a little math just because thats how my mind works... 
$50.00x40 hours=$2,000.00 a week.
+bonus & +over time... 
 Okay, let's focus on the bright side 🌅🌅
I am still alive and blessed to see another day and I am, overly-excited to see what the future holds.

Okay, it is now 11:30 P.M., I think, I am going to bow out. 
May God bless you all. 
Thank you for hearing me out and remember my E-mail or Direct Message are always opened if anyone needs to talk about something. 

@Beatrizpilarr -Instagram 

The time is now 11:40 P.M., GOOD NIGHT!


Good afternoon on Sunday, 
 wanted to add this part!!! 😁😁😁🙏


Kinda a big deal since I have, had the actual channel since probably 7th grade just to play it

safe ...  But, I need your help in growing it and with more ideas of videos to do. 

Subscribe and give me ideas of more videos!!!

