Decade of progression

This post was written a few days ago so don't mind my false statement about the e-mail...
Recently (36 minutes ago), I received an e-mail from a trusted mentor, 
Jack Canfield. It reads... 

"Hi Beatriz,

Close your eyes and imagine it's New Year's Eve, 2029...

You have just lived the most incredible decade of your life.

Your Career is flourishing... your personal life is deeply fulfilling... you're in great health...

and you have crossed off a number of major life goals of your "bucket list"

What does your life look in this vision?

What does it FEEL like?

No matter what kind of future you see in your "crystal ball," I want you to know this:

You can absolutely make your vision a reality.

In fact, you're the only one who can!

BUT: your ability to bring your highest vision to life depends on the work you do this 

year to set the stage for future success." 

... That's a long way too imagine. What could the next decade hold for you?
,for me?

Gradution? Finally, getting along to finishing that book? Getting married?
 Getting engaged? Traveling the world?

Finding your breakthrough, YOUR WHY.

Or.. will this decade be a repeat of the last one?

2 Corinthians 5:17, says
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here"

Or... Isaiah 43:16, which says
"God will make a way"

And lastly,
"You are where God wants you to be this very moment. 
Every experience is part of his divine plan"

You can exchange "God" with "The Universe" if you are a nonbeliever.
They work interchangeable.

Gabrielle Bernstein, says in her YouTube video
"Your plans, are in the way of God's plans"
"and you're trying to control something"
She goes on to give us 5 steps 
to better our life.
