Never let the world dull your shine!!

Good morning/afternoon,

This topic I believe fits me perfectly! That’s not exactly something to be proud of… It is shrinking yourself to stay safe… I have done this since the beginning of time (my time, at least). With my accident have immense potential to reach and conquer all our goals. I mean just imagine coming to the end of your life and have God show you all that you could have accomplished during your life and you just passed it up. What are you going to say or how are you going to act when you are being held accountable for your actions or in this case, lack of?

Everyone should take a moment of each day to sit in silence and write what comes to your mind ( because that’s the higher power talking directly to you).

Imagine knowing what god has planned for your life.

I believe, somehow that is what happened in my experience. That’s maybe why I make plans, that might seem “crazy” to some people. It’s just because God spoke something directly to me, something that he didn’t speak to you!

Never let the world dull your shine !!

You don’t need to fit in with anyone. I know times can be rough for those trying to stand out or be themselves. Thinking about it, in a world where success is defined by either monetary value or social following, I understand how you may misleadingly convince that you are worth nothing at all.




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