Friday-October 13, 2023| Leave it in the rearview mirror!

 Good time of day, babe,

    How many of us are stuck in the past ? The past is obviously important, since those are the most valuable lessons of what to repeat, or avoid in the future.

    The journey of personal growth almost always includes us, leaving the old us in the rearview mirror. In my circumstances before my accident, that was the reason of my traumatic brain injury the old me was vulnerable and often subject to peer or boyfriend at the time pressure.

    My goal , with this video is to help you in preparing for of what the universe or God might hold for you. 

    As our science teachers used to say while doing science experiments, if the results weren't as expected, you need to make certain changes to the experiment and redo it. Or except the results, and basically just say that the hypothesis was incorrect.

    Pero, I am talking about mistakes or errors that occur in real life. Where there are no do overs. When the only thing we can do is learn from it and hope and pray for better next time around.

    Understanding that certain people are better left there in the rearview mirror, or other people who display similar characteristics to them, don't allow yourself to be manipulated, and made to believe that you are not worthy of them, or anything positive in your life, when in reality, you have so much going for you in life !

    Never shy away from self advocacy. Always speak up for yourself, and surround yourself with people that show support and celebrate each and everyone of your victories. 

    Always remember to have self determination. Some ideas might be such as quitting smoking, or an example that can relate to my future career is convincing a client to limit the consumption rather than quitting cold turkey. But this is just an example, so take everything I say, with a grain of salt! Please don't forget to like comment subscribe share, and follow me on my social media accounts! Until next time, keep living by the sunshine! 

Hugs and kisses,


