How to Blossom where you are placed...

   Good time of day sunshine,

    Today, I will be speaking about how you can always blossom anywhere you are planted! If you understand the meaning behind the phrase, congrats if not, it regards to being successful anywhere life might place you.

    The word blos-som, is defined as to produce flowers or masses of flowers. You might be wondering, "I am a human, I'm not going to blossom anytime soon".  But, what I meant by blossom is to be successful (happy) and grow into your souls purpose. We are created for much more than who we currently are.

     I believe, to grow or blossom wherever life might "plant" us, we must start by...

  • Containing your soul or investing into yourself, whether that be by journaling, meditating, going to the gym or reading it is important to put yourself first. (Which compares to the soil.)
  • Send we must, take care of watering our seeds or in other words, providing ourselves with healthy affirmations, some might include...

1. I am grateful to live.

2. I trust myself.

3. My life has been called to bring me immense success.

4. My goals are achievable and they will become true.

5. I am strong enough to surpass this stage of my life, no matter how difficult my life my luck at certain times. 

Or, I personally always go onto this when worse comes to worse.

6. God's got me, and if it is in his favor; I'll succeed!!!


    Thank you for allowing me to share what is on my mind 

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