How history repeats itself...


Good time of day!!

    I would like to start this post with a moment of silence for the lives we lost on September 11, 2001. 

May they rest in peace.   



    So, I am going to be speaking about how history repeats itself. No, I have known this probably since middle school since my history teacher always used to say it; and it’s becoming more and more apparent with recent events that have been occurring. Events such as the LGBTQIA+ movement and the Black Lives Matter movement. These events are similar compared to events that happened during salary and the 1970s with Anita Bryant and prohibiting discrimination, which granted people that identify as LGBTQIA, semi-equal rights when speaking about housing, public accommodations or employment. If this interest you, you may watch “The day it snowed in Miami”.- It is the story behind the only day in history that has snowed in Miami, which just happened to be the day equal-rights ordinance on Miami Beach passed.

    I know, the issue has not been resolved, there are still many problems with acceptance of everyone specially in the religious population. EVEN THOUGH, Jesus always said to come as you are. He will love you and accept you no matter if they were sinners or saints, what race they might be, and further along.

   The Bible is often the first place that people will turn to in search for kindness. It is noted that God made the male and female sex; but there is nothing in scripture that says God only created this binary. Furthermore, the six passages that address same sex relationships differ greatly from what we see today.

    To be honest, after my accident when I believe, I walked the streets of Heaven. I was overtaken with acceptance of and for everyone and anyone, regardless of sexual identity and more.   

    Thank you all for sharing some of your afternoon with me. 


Help me get my voice out there. Thank you!!

Love and Blessings,


