Gratitude Challenge !!

 Dear readers,       

           It is currently August 19, 2023, I thought of writing this topic sometime in 2021. Honestly, I either don’t change with time or I time travel in my dreams, which makes perfect sense why I never remember my dreams. I might just be hardheaded and don’t learn my lessons from past mistakes…

            It’s probably the second, but so-called the Jonas brothers, “ I’ve been to the year 3000”.

             OK, so today I will be speaking about appreciation, I probably have written about this before, but today, I am giving you all a task!!! One where I will be completing also, and that is to keep a small journal, (gratitude journal); at the end of each day, or during the day, you are going to write a list five things that happened that day that you are grateful for.

             As the end of 30 days, complete a self-analysis on your behavior, and your attitude towards others, and the outside world in general.

             The Bible mentions temperaments of gratitude many times, one specific verse is Psalm 100:4, where we are told to enter his gates, with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. God never grows wary of listening his children give him thinks, and praise him, on the other hand, it is a way to show him praise and welcome more ways in which God can show you his power in your life.

               Thank you for allowing me to share this time with you all. As always, if you ever need anything, I am always here for you. Don’t forget to follow me and subscribe to my YouTube channel!!!

Keep living by the sunshine!! 😁😁😁

Love and blessings,


