Delaying your own dreams & goals...

Hello beauties,
    So, looking back at some of my post, I now see how I have personally delayed some of my life experiences/goals. But, if the universe (God) is reading this I will try my best to stay on or ahead of the timeline from now on.
            *** SORRY, I just watched an episode of the flash and I am in that mindset of time travel.

    Okay, in one of my previous post I declared that by 2022, I had published a book well that didn't work out and it's okay to acknowledge that it didn't work out and grow from your past failures.   
    I remember way back, I'm talking about 2013-ish when I first started my YouTube channel I was ready to go in and get rich and famous just like 'Juicystar07'; So, I began a YouTube channel 'BeatrizPilarr96' ... 
    But... then I got lazy and discourage and guess what?!?! FAME & FORTUNE never came knocking on my door, or hasn't yet... I'm still here waiting... ***side, awkward laugh*** 

    The problem was/is that to get to the final destination, you have to cross many roads and be able to navigate them with ease. (Sorry again, the flash is still talking through me) 

    So we are half way through 2023, and I still have yet to finish my book or grow my Youtube channel to a successful status. 
    But, I am rewriting by destiny with this post.      

    So, no I haven't met all my goals so far but, I will at some point in my life; Which reminds me of this video I watched many, many moons ago which asked 'What would you like your tombstone to say?", thank him back I don't think I answered that at that exact time because to be completely honest… It's pretty morbid…
   Where I might have answered it 
I don't know...
*** Dorry  moment***

    So, my tombstone may read... 
'Here lays a beloved mother, sister, daughter who gave her life to the Service of others.

 With every life sheets touch with her videos, posts, dedication to serve others while always making sure never to lose her smile; nor, per hope in humanity.

Winning a Nobel Peace Prize and giving multiple Ted talks. 

May she always be remembered by the service and care she showed for everyone, making everyone see that the best is yet to come and

Life is better than living by the sunshine.'


    I'm pretty sure there will be more to add as I grow in age and wiser. 
& I am almost 100% sure that this post will be hard to find in approximately 60 years, but if someone does congratulations!!!!

    * Watch time traveler be invited by then and someone from the future is watching me as I write this… Creepy huh? Sorry, Kinda still caught up on the Flash...

    So, my final message for you all today is that your Life doesn't need to look like anyone else's. At the end of the day what is important is to know that greatness takes time. And, to know that you can achieve anything you put your mind too.

    And, don't worry if it's taking a millennium, or two; everything will come in God's perfect time. 

    Thank you all for allowing me to share this time with you!

Love and blessings,

So, I am giving myself 90 days to stop eating caca and to get back on track with my goals...

Make sure to FOLLOW for more.... 😁😁😁 
@beatrizpilarr or @beatrizpilarr96 on YouTube!
