Onlyfans... YES or NO???

 Good (time of day) lovelies,

So! This blog goes out when I’m weighing whether I should post on my Onlyfans or not (and/or what should I post on my page).  I don’t want to give off the wrong image of myself to my friends, family and most importantly my future clients (Social Work)… If I do post anything, it most probably be gym outfit pictures, or FEET PICTURES (I don’t understand that but, I have been told I have really pretty feet… I don’t see it but, whatever . Thank you to those who have shared that comment with me, even though it was AGES ago.

Story time!

         One day a WHILE back, I thought to myself (after watching a snapchat story; I believe it was either on ‘filthyRICH’ or on ‘MIND YOUR BUSINESS’ on Snapchat, it was about a woman that was a mom (to a 13-, 7- and 5-year-old) and her mother, an older-age lady. The two women started an Onlyfans account and were making roughly, $12,000.00 a month.    

***This amount is an estimation of my memory. But it was in that ballpark.  

         So, here I am thinking “If these Viejas (no disrespect) can do it so can I”. So, there I was ready to upload a bunch of risky photos on the platform. But the angel on my shoulder made me analyze all the negativity that can come from my actions. So, here I am still broke but, with the angel on my shoulder proud of me and my future. (Especially, since I am a social worker, & I really don’t need my clients to be expose to me in that way.)

         What are y’all thoughts on this?

         Did I make the correct decision?

         In your opinion, should I begin posting?


         I don’t know, I think I am better off playing it safe on the sidelines.  


         Please share your answers with me in the comments or on social media.

Thank you for sharing this part if your day with me!

Until next time and remember to keep living by the sunshine!

Love & Blessings,

- B.D.R.
