Meet a Survivor- Brandon (English and Spanish)

Meet Brandon, Traumatic Brain Injury survivor

Brandon is a Traumatic Brain Injury survivor who learned a valuable life lesson the tough way,

Who is Brandon?

            Brandon describes himself as a motivated, goal oriented individual. Some of his current goals are the ability to use the right side of his body, have a longer memory span and have the ability to walk. It is surreal for me to know, that there are millions and billions of people who can/would dismiss him because they don’t think it would be a big deal. But I honor him and give him the respect he deserves.

What happened to him?

            Brandon was set-up by his “friend”, where his “friend” shot him on his upper lip. He also mentioned to me, how the bullet is still in his brain to this day. When I asked him if the individual was caught Brandon shared how… 2 years later the guy was caught because the man killed his girlfriend. Let me vent right quick- police could’ve spared a precious life by actively looking for the perpetrator; But possibly because Brandon survived, they put the individual on the back burner. (I KNOW THE POLICE IS EXTERMELY UNDER FUNDED, BUT IT IS IMPORTANT FOR ANYONE WHO COMMITS A CRIME, WHETER THAT BE SHOOTING SOMEONE OR PROVOKING AN ACCIDENT, SUCH AS MINE TO BE CHARGED FOR THEIR CRIME.)

What did you learn as an effect of your TBI?

             He said, because of his TBI, he learned how to have a better relationship with the lord and his family. When I asked him if he remembered any spiritual encounters, he said he does not remember.

Some recommendations for others (non-injured/injured) …

Brandon had a very different experience than mine,  

1. He shares how it is important to keep your social circle small.

 2. Be careful who you trust.

3. Always strive for a better you.

Bragging rights given- I’M HIS MOTIVATION!!!

Thank you for allowing me to write and share stories with you all!!

Make sure to connect 

If you ever need anything (& sort of a therapist 馃槈馃槈馃槈)  



Conozca a Brandon, sobreviviente de una lesi贸n cerebral traum谩tica


Brandon es un sobreviviente de una lesi贸n cerebral traum谩tica que aprendi贸 una valiosa lecci贸n de vida de la manera m谩s dif铆cil.


¿Qui茅n es Brandon?


            Brandon se describe a s铆 mismo como una persona motivada y orientada a objetivos. Algunos de sus objetivos actuales son la capacidad de usar el lado derecho de su cuerpo, tener una capacidad de memoria m谩s larga y tener la capacidad de caminar. Es surrealista para m铆 saber que hay millones y miles de millones de personas que pueden/lo descartar铆an porque no creen que sea un gran problema. Pero lo honro y le doy el respeto que se merece.


¿Lo que le sucedi贸?


            Brandon fue tendido por su "amigo", donde su "amigo" le dispar贸 en el labio superior. Tambi茅n me mencion贸 que la bala todav铆a est谩 en su cerebro hasta el d铆a de hoy. Cuando le pregunt茅 si atraparon al individuo, Brandon comparti贸 c贸mo... 2 a帽os despu茅s, atraparon al tipo porque el hombre mat贸 a su novia. Perm铆tanme desahogarme r谩pido: la polic铆a podr铆a haber salvado una vida preciosa al buscar activamente al perpetrador; Pero posiblemente porque Brandon sobrevivi贸, pusieron al individuo en un segundo plano. (S脡 QUE LA POLIC脥A TIENE MUY POCA FINANCIACI脫N, PERO ES IMPORTANTE QUE CUALQUIER PERSONA QUE COMETE UN DELITO, YA SEA DISPARAR A ALGUIEN O PROVOCAR UN ACCIDENTE, COMO EL M脥O, QUE SEA ACUSADO POR SU DELITO).


¿Qu茅 aprendi贸 como efecto de su TBI?


             Dijo que, debido a su lesi贸n cerebral traum谩tica, aprendi贸 a tener una mejor relaci贸n con el se帽or y su familia. Cuando le pregunt茅 si recordaba alg煤n encuentro espiritual, dijo que no recuerda.


Algunas recomendaciones para otros (no lesionados/lesionados)...

Brandon tuvo una experiencia muy diferente a la m铆a,

1. 脡l comparte c贸mo es importante mantener peque帽o su c铆rculo social.

 2. Ten cuidado en qui茅n conf铆as.

3. Esfu茅rzate siempre por ser mejor.

Se otorgan los derechos de fanfarronear: ¡SOY SU MOTIVACI脫N!


Gracias por permitirme escribir y compartir historias con todos ustedes!!

Aseg煤rate de conectarte

Si alguna vez necesitas algo (y una especie de terapeuta 馃槈馃槈馃槈)


