It's not too late

 Good morning, afternoon, evening!

This is a very touchy subject for me because, I have personally slept on my dreams since I could remember.

I have a page in my old notebook “diary” that has sketches of T-shirts as far back as 2015.

Can you imagine, the missed opportunities I might have had; people, I would have met, let's be realistic!!!


But, you know what? “it's not too late, it's never too late”;

 if you picked up on the song you're a real G!!  

But, anyway declare your dreams and goals as if they already exist and you too can have the power to speak them into existence. Shrug off any opinion that is coming from a questionable source. Just don't give up on your dreams anything can happen in life, I mean look at  Megan Markle she went from just another citizen here in the United States to a duchess in the UK; I haven't read up on them recently but without a doubt she the good life.

TIP: Now, I'll leave you to wonder how can you be your own Prince charming or for my guy readers, your own superman

So, I now ask you what goals have you kind of pushed to the side and how you get them back bigger and better?

Thank you,


H A P P Y. B I R T H D A Y. E L V Y ' S (my trainer)!!! 
