Leap year, HUGE FAIL; Earn your stripes!


            So with the beginning of this year I was determined to add around 4000 hours to my life by eliminating Instagram completely then… I reached 3000 followers and I was able to make a creator account… And then my Instagram got hacked but I was able to regain access to it (and a special relationship which I’m not mad about).

            Perooo, with both of my majors being related to socializing, mass communications and social work, therefore having relations with others has always been important to me. So you know what, I am OK with my failure. I just realize something about my journey and social networking life, which can be transferred to life in general… Sometimes we might mess up whether that be with New Years resolutions or goals. In fact, did you know that around 80% of new years goals go unfulfilled?

            So, sometimes it’s OK to fail at first!!! But just like Tony the Tiger, from Kellogg’s says do you have to earn your stripes!

            The evolution of this post has gone from conceded, to a rude awakening, to finding peace with my failures and not dwelling back on them! So, at times we mess up and that’s not always a bad thing! The moral of this story is it’s OK to mess up, we as human beans I have a need to be social (we are social animals), some more than others. Just OK right back up and continue fighting the good fight.

            Make sure to “follow”, this blog! I write theses primarily for me, but it’s nice to see other people enjoying my writings about my life stories and learnings. Find me on Instagram as @BeatrizPillarr or @BeatrizPilarrr. Find me on YouTube as @BeatrizPilarr96.

Thank you for letting me share my story with you!

If any of you, ever need someone to talk to don’t hesitate in sending me a message!

Happy Valentine's Day Sunshines !!! ❤️❤️❤️

