Coming in hot (27)

       Hello, I hope you are doing marvelously. So, we all know that the last past few years have been full of grief and sorrow. (I know I sound repetitive but this is on a whole another level) [Kinda]

       This topic can be applied to yourself as well.

       With a New year of my life approaching (26st birthday… in 25 days to be exact). I am determined to clear out as much as possible; and to be a force to be reckoned with.

       My mistake is that, I plan my moves in life in intervals of five or 10 years into the future. Without looking into what that may require a week or four from now. That is a point highlighted in “The $100 dollar start up”, which says to “keep your plants as simple as possible”.

       So take everything day by day work towards your dreams, if you encounter people that don’t believe in you, look the other way!

 Make sure to “follow”, this blog! I write theses primarily for me, but it’s nice to see other people enjoying my writings about my life stories and learnings. Find me on Instagram as @BeatrizPillarr or @BeatrizPilarrr. Find me on YouTube as @BeatrizPilarr96. 

      Thank you all for letting me share

what was on my mind and on my notebook,


PS don’t forget to follow this blog on Instagram and find me on social networks!!!

