Meet Judy G.

Good (time of day) everyone!

     I am coming at you with, ‘A survivor of the month’ post, almost a year late… Judy (@judydeadlifts). If she seems familiar to the ones who voted for me to win Ms.Health&Fitness, is because she was also running. By the way, thank you to all those who voted for me!!! But it also proves that survivors can be found anywhere. If I had asked you to be a survivor of the month and you’re not yet please reach out to me because, I know I had asked WAYYY more people to be featured than are currently featured. I promise, your story is just as important!


  We have Judy’s, her story is very similar to mine. One day, she was running errands when a speeding oncoming vehicle T-bones her vehicle. Judy is a mom of three and a professor at the University of North Carolina. She began working with a personal trainer to help her overcome her muscle weakness after the accident. She says working out in the gym has helped and is now one of her passions.


    I remember that once my speech therapist told me she had to get in my face, yelling at me if I wanted to go home? Before I spoke a word. That was the first time I spoke aloud and defined ‘YES’. 

    Like many survivors, she says, “For about a year, I wish I had not survived”. Later, she realized why God had spared her “My daughter had surgery at age four to correct a birth defect. Laying with her in the hospital bed that might was the first time I knew why I survived. She needed her mom”. 

Her message to others is to never give up.

& Thinking about it a little more in depth, we never know what our life will lead towards. We can’t define our worth as a person based on what surrounds us right now.

Think about it everything even family(!!!) comes and goes. I know of a man that if you asked him 40 years ago, “What will you be doing in 2021?” the last thing he would have said was, “Taking care of my kids as a single father”.  

But, we ALL have so much more potential to live for.  

As Genesis 11:6 says, “…Nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.”


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.



Love and blessings,




