Roadmap for life, in order to avoid detours. 🗺


Good morning, afternoon, evening babes!

         Today I'm going to be talking (writing) about having wrong soul-ties.

         As always, if you agree with my way of thinking drop me a thumbs up in the comments and let me know, how I can improve or better my writing for you guys. Also, hit that Follow Please and thank you. 

         OK, so now get ready 2 look through your contacts and locked all the people that gives off bad vibes or are just playing out negative. You know um the people that are always killing your vibe or leaving you on the path of self-destruction. They might mean no harm to you directly. Most of them may not even know they are the reason why you're feeling like you are going into shithole (excuse my language).

         This is exactly why we all in a roadmap for life. (Wouldn’t that be totally amazing ?!?!). Even though it goes against the living in the now post I wrote a while back. But what I basically mean is everyone should have the next 5-year outline somewhere on paper, or in your mind…   

         For example, 

2021- I passed all my classes.

         I traveled “my own backyard”.

         I finished my book, kept writing.

2022- I have gotten an internship, I can be proud of.

         I stayed active and healthy.

         I finally have a published book.

         I am growing in my relationship with God. 

         & Some personal things.

2023- I gave a TED Talk seen my millions.

         I am still active and healthy.

         & Some personal things. 

2024- I am a BSW. I will be beginning my MSW program in the Fall. 

         I wrote for Chicken Soup for the Soul.

2025- I am working on my 2nd & 3rd book 

         I am making well over $100k.

         I took a semester overseas.

         My relationships have been growing enormously.

         I am full of love.

         So, now that I took you through an example on how to create a “roadmap of your life” (or at least the next 5 years), I encourage you to complete your own.

         As always, my inbox is always opened if you need me or want to share anything with me😁 





My inbox is always opened if any of you need anything!
