Try something new out!

 Good day my lovely rays of sunshine,

         Please follow this blog! You can also find me on Instagram as ‘BeatrizPilarr’ and on YouTube as ‘BeatrizPilarr96’.


         It's not every day that you get to meet a person with a life changing idea where project in the works. But, you can be that person! You might even motivate someone else to think like you and go after their personal goals. Most people don’t see it as a necessity in setting goals for themselves. 

         Adults most times lose the ability to dream, not because they stopped believing in the impossible; but, because they have adapted to the social norms of growing into college right after high school, finishing by the time they're 24 and so on...

         I am talking from experience, when I say only you know what God/The Universe has called you to do with the time on this earth! It might be something as big as taking that mission trip or something as small as protesting through your county, for an issue you care strongly about. Maybe just because someone was too ignorant and careless to hear your pleads, as we see in the George Floyd case. Or demanding social justice for the Cuban people as we see in recent protest.

         But, all this goes to show you that we have to make done most while we are alive and find people that support us with what we might be planning in our minds (like-minded people)!

         If people don't agree with you, that doesn't make them bad people! It just means they're have a mindset; in which they are accustoms to the views of the general public. Theses people usually limit themselves and their possibilities. It's the same type of people that believe a journey around the world visiting 100 different countries is impossible. However, that goal was completed by recent university graduates. And GUESS WHAT ??? Now they have a net worth of millions! Not only that, but, they have the memories of traveling to 100 countries that some, including myself, can only dream of.


It all started with a dream! Look at the success they've have had!


So, in other words! Don't be afraid to try something out!

You might find your calling 

I'm praying my two cents will multiply into millions for you! 





My inbox is always opened if any of you need anything!


