Karma is a very real thing!!!

 Good morning/afternoon/evening,


   Please make sure to follow this blog!!!

 And also, all my other social media’s!!! 😁😁


 Thank you for letting me live out one of my goals, writing for this blog. I have been known to always wish and dream for that impossible.


   I mentioned this before, the day Yaslen was having her audition for her models for her swimwear line.  My mom and sister were so negative towards me auditioning, which killed my spirit. However, I understand they were just guarding my feelings. But, imagine what could have happen if I went through with it #FOMO!!! So, don't be like me in that moment, and do what you believe will challenge you to become better!!!


   But, then my mom told me, I should start a swimsuit clothing line, if I wanted to have that sort of opportunity. Which I started designing and hopefully, I’ll be able to make an actual thing in the future. It will for sure benefit me more economically than just 


   I have spoken to the ‘Bitesized’ sister about their Anti-Victoria Secret Fashion Show, “Dream Walk” which I personally Think we need more events like this. The types of events that can make any “average-Joe”, feel like a celebrity even for a little while. Thinking about it, it might actually reduce crime rate, in cases like Mass Shootings or Mass Murders.


   I believe, a lot of negativity comes out of the media but, what if the media made people with severe mental illnesses feel accepted. ️ 


   The Bible says, “...you shall love thy neighbor as, thyself.”


   Reflecting back on this post, what I have been trying to say is if you don’t use the word “love” you can use the word “respect”. 

Remember Karma is a very real thing!!!


   So, be careful what you wish on to others eventually comes back to you. 


                               Love and Blessings,

