Seeing/Hoping for what's not there...

 Good morning/ afternoon/ evening,


          First off, I’m going to ask you to please Follow this blog along with all my social media platforms and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel!!! πŸ™πŸΌ❤️ 


How do you view people when you first encounter them???


         This alone is my biggest flaw as a person. I tend to see the good in a person or give it so much more priority in seeing the good over the bad… EVEN IF IT’S NOT THERE!!! 

         Keep in mind that, there is absolutely no proven evidence that day or your current situation would ever change! This is when, you have to pull up your big boy/ big girl /grown up pants up and make the decision to complete the task at hand with full clearance and stop eating “Lo que pica el pollo”. 

TIPBe straight up with everyone don't play little innocent girl / guy / human being just to be on everyone's good side. 

         Trust me, I have come to realize the everything in this world is temporary; unless you are a believer in the afterlife, then you have Ben promised everlasting life. But I'm not here to tell you I know the way because I too I am just swaying toward the wind. Whether it is going in the right direction or not, I am just not going to allow A to fill up my mind with troublesome thoughts and ideas. 

         We all deserve more than that, we deserve to have a clear plan for our lives. Everything should be weighed by the pros and cons that are implied. Moreover, never forget to be realistic with ourselves. An interesting way I was taught to do this, was in Accounting class in High School. As previously mention in this blog, 

         So, let me be the first to say, if I had thought about this six years ago I would have been in a completely different situation learn from my mistakes and analyze your current situation including the people that you have within your immediate circle) and if you don't like what you see 8 easily changeable (CHANGE IT, before it’s too late and you are left in a Coma for around 9 months). 




Never stop dreaming!


Always and blessings,




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