Planning for the future might sound hella tricky, not to mention stressful.

Good (enter the time you are reading this),
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         If a person was to ask me what I was going to be at any different stage of my life, the person would have gotten all different work fields from Teacher to Forensic Scientist or my previous major, Mass Communications and Marketing, in other words I was a hot mess. 

         It’s funny how, I ended up studying a career that does exactly what I said I always wanted to do, which is help people. 

         This prompt came to me this morning while flipping through, “the intelligent investor “and I came to a chapter that is titled “Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Market”. Which Brian to mind the actual book I read a few years back “Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and what each character represents. I'm going to try and categorize them ...

         I know, Mr. Hyde is ‘the ID’-our childlike self that wants, what they want and, wants it now!!!  How about Doctor Jekyll? The superego/ego or “morality”, living in the present reality only. In other words, we have the devil or the ID, reality, or the Ego. Finally, the angel or the Superego.

         This goes hands in hand with something I have been pretty enough for a while. The process of putting your goals and dreams in front of you each and every day and take clear them as true, as a fact. 

         But, back to the story, when analyzing it, where would you put yourself? Who do you most relate to?  

         Are you super determined and dedicated like Dr.Jekyll? Or can you relate more with Mr. Hyde, a childlike thinking fat old man who would bring you everything you desire one night like Mr. Hyde.

         It is important, how many to never news that childlike faith and big dreams.  But it is also important to have a detailed plan as to how those dreams will become reality!   

As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.


Love and blessings,




