I will no longer, be the lost girl I once was

  Good (enter the time you are reading this),

       First off, I’m going to ask you to please follow this blog!!! πŸ™πŸΌ❤️

    I hope everyone is doing well both, mentally and physically. The topic of this post how to count your blessings and understanding no matter how badly you want to quit and take the easy road out of situation A, B, or C. You have to continue giving it your all!! NEVER let you haters (specially the devil) control if you are able to be successful or not.

         Just look at me! I haven’t reach 25% of the goals I have set for myself. For example, I didn’t even apply to Columbia University or New York University (YET). But at least I was blessed with having the opportunity to still be alive and find my true calling in life. I believe, that’s more than enough! I also believe, everything has it’s reason(s).

         Get up and thank the universe for placing you in the time and place you are currently in. Find someTHING that interests you! Notice the obvious hints The Universe (God) is sending you. Odds are you would live a better, happier life without those distractions!!! That definitely includes, the company that you let into your life. I once heard a saying that goes, “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you, your future” and another one that sys you are a reflection of the 5 people you interact the most with. HOLY MOLY MACRONIE!!!, I now is what is going wrong in some aspects of my life! 

         I proudly say that, I will no longer, be the lost girl I once was, who filled up her schedule just because she was scared of not being enough…

Pretty enough

Fun enough

Outgoing enough

I substituted other people approval, for that of God’s.

         Please, don’t be like me; and always know you’re 100% in the right place, at the right time. (It was created specifically for YOU!)

         Never look to another person for approval that you want to do! YOLO (Only if it will benefit you in the long run… BE CAREFUL!) 

         My inbox is always opened for your question, comments, anything else you want to tell be! But, don’t forget to hit that follow button to get notified when I post!




Never stop dreaming!


Always and blessings,



