EVERYTHING has a double meaning, be careful or grateful!

 Good morning/afternoon/evening lovelies,


       Make sure to Follow this blog! *not getting paid*


       I believe this is a great post to start off the month in which I got a second chance at life. (for those of you that are new to my story, I was involved in a car accident on May 23rd,2015. 

The topic of this post is that EVERYTHING has a double meaning,         be careful or grateful!

       I couldn’t find an example so; I’m going to say that everything and everyone have two sides (or more). In other words, “Every coin has two faces”. I am saying everything can go one of two ways.

       A couple years back, I had a guy promise me the world. I would be “his princess”. He offered to take me anywhere I wanted, and he wasn’t much older than me (So, he wasn’t like a sugar daddy). 

       Another, more recent example is this guy I encounter, and he would brag non-stop about having loads of money, mind you he has never worked… But people don’t see that, they see an easy target to rip off. Which takes me to the example of why I bring him up, he was in a pervious relationship that left his mom around $50,000.00 in the red. Looking at this from the girl’s preceptive it was a win for her for him, not so much. In other words, he was an easy target to get rip off, again this ties in with my post because, I’m sure for him she was special but maybe for her he was just a check. 

       But, back to my story, being realistic odds are he would be another psychopath that has always roamed the streets.

       How can you protect yourself from these type of people? Ideally just ignore them right off the bat.    

       If you greet them because your like me… don’t invite them into your house (meporcally speaking).




Your own peace of mind is worth more than, any summer or winter fling you might have.





& honestly, if this reminds you of anyone, this is just the delaying the promotion God has in store for you! 

       Are you going to sit back and let this happen? 

       Watching as someone else steals your happiness and peace? 

Remember, that is our state of mind goal. 

And, as always, thank you for letting me share what's on my mind.


Never stop dreaming!


As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.




Love and blessings,





