Shift your mindset, so your reality shifts...

Hello πŸ˜ I hope you are all doing well!!!

    When somebody brings up the future, what are your immediate reactions?

 Nervous? Sad? Happy? Overwhelmed? Excited?


    My goal with this post is to shift your mindset if you’ve replied nervous, sad, or overwhelmed so therefore you can share with me in my joyfulness and excitement for what’s to come.

      I’m not saying it’s the easiest thing, in fact it might be a little harder to do than trying to differentiate normal Coke and Diet Coke (weird comparison). But, there is a difference trust me!!!

      Maybe, you will never appreciate life until you’re about to lose it. I am talking from experience when I say, my future has been anything but what my high school self pictured it to be.

     And yes, I am actually very pleased with the change in my personality. Like I might have mentioned in one of my previous post we need to find our ‘Id’ or our childlike behavior, for example, we like something then we make a fuss (ID) or we make a plan to achieve the specific item we want, whether that is planning a trip, or a party.


TIP- We all need something in the future,

 to be waiting for or be in ‘awe’ for.


    And, if we are lucky enough, we can get to the point of being on our best self in every aspect of our life from school, work, recreational time, to even giving yourself time to unwind and get a massage or do something for you anything that you find joy in, YES, even sex.

   We are all far from perfect! ,So, this is a very important!!!


     But, you know the best part??? No one expects us to be!!! And there’s always room for error in this life.

     Which means, you’re allowed to fuck up  as many times as you want. Just don’t put people in that mix with you. Because, you might be blocking their path to growth.


TIP- Be considerate! 

Don’t drag someone through the mud just for the hell of it!!!

 You never know who is going to be there for you tomorrow. 


It's honestly funny to me, how I used to think. I still believe, I am cable of it, but what would I get out of it???




Never stop dreaming!


Always and blessings,








