Good morning, afternoon, or evening beauties,


  Please remember to follow this blog, as well as subscribe to my YouTube channel, BeatrizPilarr96.

Have any of my readers ever heard of the saying that goes “Not every day is good, but there's something good in every day”???

         This phrase earned a whole new meaning after my accident. I have had many, many hours to wonder if what I am currently doing will benefit /harm me in the long run? 

         But!!! I know that tomorrow is never promised. So, I would like my readers to find something good each day of the week. If you are consistent, I promise if you look back at the week and say that it was a GREAT WEEK! & you might even be surprised as to what the future may hold! 

         So, if you want a great day, month, or even year; keep in mind what would have to happened? For you to say on December 31st, you declare “THIS HAS BEEN MY BEST YEAR EVERRR!!!”? ( I’m not going to take credit for that statement, I learned it from Terri Savelle-Foy) to reach this, I think we might have to do something beforehand ... Like set your goals…

(but in all honesty, I had never really set goals for a year unless you count senior year) so, now that you know my dirty little secret. Let's explore some ideas that come to mind for future goals. 


1.   Take a mission trip after COVID.


2.  Go above and beyond in the courses, I am currently taking.



3.  Start a business ( already in the works, keep an eye out !! ) 


4.   Become consistent with YouTube.


5.   Make a video for each of the million ideas I have brilliant done.


6.   Start/Continue learning French and Italian 


(Film the process and finish off with a trip to the location where that is the language spoken)

(And of course, it will be followed by a travel vlog πŸ˜ πŸ˜ πŸ˜ )


7.Finish the books I began writing a while ago !


8.Keep blogging for ‘Living by the sunshine’.




10.Never forget, there’s always someone looking out for you!!







As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.

Love and blessings,






