People with money, are extremely humble. Don't believe these people that are all bling out!

Good morning/afternoon/evening,


            First off, I’m going to ask you to please follow this blog!!! And, subscribe to my YouTube channel. (PRETTY PLEASE, WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!!!) 


    Okay! Let’s get something clear!!! Jealously, is an ugly feeling and it can a person to their death, Or even worse an unreturnable situation. 

    Let’s say ‘person X’ (not the same person X from previous posts), looks like a Barbie. Obliviously, she is married to Ken. But what her appearance doesn’t let other girls, that are looking up to her (maybe even doing brujerΓ­a on the side, to reach her “beauty” and confidence). MAYBE, that little girl was you, or someone close to you. Never thinking she was “pretty” enough for society. ALWAYS, trying to shape herself to meet the society’s expectation of a “pretty” girl. 

     Trust me, it’s no fun when your trying so hard to impress people you don’t even like.

     People that have wealth in abundance don’t feel the need to “show off” their lavish lifestyles. 

    So, now why would you? (If you are in that population?) (Speaking to someone personally, but, if the shoe fits. It’s for you too πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚)  

    Don’t let people walk all over you; Know your grown and claim it!!!

    Please excuse my language and unladylikeness (not a word, I know) in the sentence. But, for real tell them to kick rocks and go fuck themselves. 

     Remember to do what Britney’s song says and “Work Bit*h”, 

don’t look back! You’re not going that way. 

     Especially when what you are looking back at, is just as broken if not more broken than you.       

            It might hurt, like a son of a gun (talking from experience). But money and status comes and goes. If you are not on top this year, keep on swinging! (NOT LITTERALLY) you are bond to get up there. But the early bird gets the worm and all its benefits!

                        I have  not asked this directly on here, but, what do you want READ ( and VIEW (if I ever get to actually filming for my YouTube)(@BeatrizPilarr96)?


As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.


Love and blessings,







If you want to send me drawings/sketches/paintings/doodles of Sunsets by either  you or your kids, you might find them at the end of one of my post!!!
