Being broken, yet living your BEST LIFE?!?!

 Hello beauties! 

First things first, any of my readers that wants to be notified whenever I post, go ahead and FOLLOW this blog as well as, SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!!! It lets me know that you like where they post and serves as encouragement to keep posting . I'll get to filming more videos for you!! 


Thank you!!! (I feel like that PBS commercial…)

         Which takes me to the topic of this post! My attitude change before and after my accident, in my book I wrote, “The difference between how I showcase myself on the exterior, and I’m extremely careful on my broken-ness not show-casing itself to the world”.

         So, let's analyze my attitude before and after my accident. Just in case you can relate to the girl that used to be only seeking the approval of people that where just going to bring her down. Blinded, by people and positions she thought she wanted.   

         But I couldn't see what was right in front of me. ( a no, not a love-based relationship) but in even deeper emotional relationship with myself . I credit this newfound confidence on my accident. Pursing my hopes and dreams, I can truly say I am living my BEST LIFE. 

         So, here’s the big question of this post (& no, I wasn’t just bragging about having it all figured out… Because, trust me I DON’T!). 

In fact, this post is for us to work together in finding our dream self. So first determine, What is your current self? & What is your dream self? (or, where do you want to be 5, 10 years from now?). Next, figure out what you need to do to get from point A to point B.

For example, since I could remember, I have had this desire to participate in Miss Earth. I've never told anyone this because, I was afraid of what they thought about the FAT GIRL thinking, she would ever participant, let alone win Miss Earth…

But you know what? I just hyped myself up & with the confidence this terrible accident (& meeting God in the entrance to heaven after my accident). I am going to do it!!!

I’m entering Miss Earth and letting god take the wheel!!

What’s the worst that could happen?

As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.


Love and blessings,







P.S. Stay tune for more upcoming news!
