You don't need that TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS !!!




        There’s no easy way around it, for some people it’s the biggest, holiest thing sacred for YOUR person. Then for others, it’s just another 10 to 30 minutes in a day. There is it a generalized statement toward it. I’m obviously talking about sex. 

I AM NOT GOING TO MENTION ANY NAMES… I am just going to describe my personal believes about person ‘X’ and person ‘Y’. While placing myself (or any other person being affected in a relationship) as the ‘Y’. 

Person  ‘X’, is really sweet and a caring person given the chance. But their mind doesn’t allow them to display it; person ‘Y’ is just trying to find himself. Get right with himself before he lets anyone in. Can you relay to person X? Covering up your insecurities with sex and drugs? Or on the other hand, we have person Z who covers his insecurities with money and shiny things. Which is just as bad. 

Even though sex and drugs can hurt you physically (illnesses and such), BUT WITH THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT AND DILEMMAS WERE FACING, CAN ANYONE JUDGES??? I wouldn’t be surprised to walk out of my house and encounter my neighbor bald, and when I asked her about her new style, she says she was inspired by Britney in 2008.

It’s important to find your escape from life. Whether that be working out, traveling or writing or all three mentioned; find your getaway and know when you need to go and with whom. (I mean, who are you allowing into your dreams?) 

So, I beg you stick to what’s best for you!!! Just cut off anything else.

& I don’t mean it only for your romantic partners but for all your relations. 

You, DO YOU NOT NEEDtoxic relationships in your life!!

As always,


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Love and blessings,






