If your fairy godmother, pays you a visit and ask you too wish for five items. What would the items be? Can you picture them? Virtualization is in important skill someone must have in order to make their dreams reality.

So, what are you wishing for???


An all inclusive vacation?

To meet your soulmate?

To never have to worry about anything for the rest of your life?

What if I told you all this and more can be yours???

The Bible says you have not because, you ask not.

Quick little story about me- I practiced this skill before I even knew what I was doing. In my mind, I was just making a list of items I would like to check off in order for me to have a good year. What I didn't take into account is that I could/can have anything I desire because Matthew 19:26 says with God all things are possible.

The universe (God) wants to provide you for your needs and wants. But, as the popular saying says, "be careful what you wish for".

Be crystal clear on your goals don't be kinda clear on them! Otherwise, it might not come as you hoped or expected.

In my first semester with FIU, I passed both of my classes(yes, I usually won't go past three classes in school, just because no matter what time passes or how many blog post I can write ; Or how average I look to most of the population, I still have a lifelong injury.

No matter how badly I want it to go away. Giving me back all the days, even hours spent bettering the new version of myself, (Physical therapy, Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Pilates for Neurological conditions). I'm pretty sure I missed one or two activities. But, you guys get my drift. This takes me to the main topic of this post it's highly crucial for you to have a vision for your life! It can be just around five big goals for the next five years so, If you be done you can see clear that these have been the best five years ever.

I personally, I don’t have kids so I am able to dream, my biggest dream not having to plan accordingly; yes, I know that can change in a blink of an eye.... But, I’m taking the precautions for that not to happen.

As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.




Love and blessings,





