Impossible or I'm possible???

You be the judge…


Before I go on telling you about my recent accomplishments with hopes of providing you with motivation; Let's begin in my life as a newborn. Doctors told my mom it was “impossible” for me to ever walk straight without therapy and care given to my legs and feet. (Mind you, this was in Cuba) After days, weeks, months and maybe even years of doing as doctors suggested she reached her goal of getting me to walk correctly. 

Or after my accident when doctors said I will never be able to function properly again. 

Yet, I am here very much functioning, thinking properly (sometimes), Coming up with ideas on my own. 


Please never determine what you can and can't do.



Where do you fit in?

Planners or go with the flow?


There are two types of people in this world.


#1) A person that plans ABSOLUTELY everything


#2)A person that doesn't give a F**K and just Goes with the flow. Every day, 1 day at a time.


I personally believe neither extremes are good. 

But one of them definitely helps you keep your calm in life, 

that's why I believe, EVERYONE should make and keep a place to keep your to do’s.


Let's make an example of missing an interview, date, Or even a party hosted in your honor. Just because, you had forgotten the date of the event. 


So, long story short I recommend everyone to have a safe place to jot down any important dates and anything you must not forget.

I have kept an agenda, way before my Traumatic Brain Injury, so I know your average Joe would benefit from this as well as us, Survivors     




As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.


Love and blessings,



