Don't let another year go by... 2021

 January 04,2021

 CONGRATULATIONS!!! We made it through 2020...

Now it's up to us! Let's make 2021 a famazing year!!!

*Famazing- f**king amazing*

The average person in Florida has a life span of  about 74 to 80. With this being said you spend an average of 26 years sleeping, another reference says we sleep a total of 229,961 hours, when I did the math it comes up to 26.5 years. So, it could be rounded up to 27 years.

         Another ridiculous but, crucially important time waster would have to be, eating, according to the same website we spent 3.7 years of our lives eating! Which of course has its exceptions because, a lot of important things can happen while our dining time. Examples may include proposals or promotions.

         We (average Americans) spend 4.31 years driving and that’s without counting all the Uber, lift and all the other delivery services we might get into nowadays.

         I know driving aimlessly relaxes some people because I was one of them. THIS WAS IN PLACES WITHOUT TOO MUCH TRAFFIC*** (where you can be one with the road). Or maybe, you are the way to the next item on my list, Working. The average person spends around 10 years of their life performing this task. I don’t know if that takes into account overtime. All that comes up too, approximately 44 years of our life already spoken for. So, let’s say we live up to 76. You only have approximately 32 years to achieve are you hopes, goals and dreams.

         So, now I asked my audience would you rather be worried on all the negativity going around in the world which will in turn, leave you feeling like there’s nothing good going on in your life. Or will you choose to turn the other cheek and smile and go on your merry way.

         The option is ultimately to you, so choose not to be a sourpuss and share a friendly smile with all. You never know, who’s day you are making a little bit sweeter. You might even prevent someone’s suicide.

So, go out (with a mask) and live your dream this year. I believe in you.

         I hope, this isn’t a touchy subject for my readers. If you ever need someone to talk to my messages are always open for you all. And I may not be a licensed psychologist, but I have lived through hell and back as previously mentioned and could provide one or two, beneficial advices for you all.

As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.


Love and blessings,





