Positive attitude for 2021!!!

November 26,2020

Life sometimes can take swirls, 

loops and turns.

 Most times, you have to just sit back and let it be.


January 1st, 2015, I wrote how that year would bring me “life changing decisions “, “Gym- Health- Fitness”, “Love”, “Daring new adventures”, “Work Opportunities (Growth)”, “Good attitude”.


So, let's start analyzing them in no particular order. I am going to start off at “Work Opportunities“, I, for sure was exceeding in that category, I got a promotion at the beginning of the year. Where I found a bond with some people and shortly after, I earned a special trait which I still carry even to this day though, now I let people get under my skin sometimes. Which is not taking anything personal. And everything is resolved with a smile and understanding that everyone gets in their feelings, whether that be angry (pissed off) or sad (disappointed). 

I have been meaning to write about feelings post TBIBut that's coming up soon ***HOPEFULLY***. In the meantime, I'll provide the link to a brief YouTube video I did regarding the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LstgrZ0b9Hk&t=2s


Next was work, which at the time was the only part of life not lacking, but I might have gone a little overboard in this category. I mean, I gained unforgettable memories and experience while working with them. I was exposed to many different types of people (which, will ultimately benefit me in working in within my chosen career path). When faced by hopeless, angry, frustrated, grieving family members, in order to help them reason and clearly understand what the injured needs at that given time.


Next, we have “Daring New Adventures”. Before my accident, I would spend 40(+) hours Behind a desk and 10(+) hours studying something that would never challenge me to go above and beyond (no offense to anyone that is studying or has studied mass communications).


“Gym •Health •Fitness” Was one of them. If you have read (https://livingbythesunshine.blogspot.com/2020/07/true-story-of-fat-girl.html ) You would know, I was doing something wrong with that particular statement given there.


I skipped over “Love” by accident (or was it ???😅😂).  It's too complicated to go into that specific topic, just know, a person lets you see exactly what they want you to see, never compare yourself to someone else. Specially, anyone that appears to have “the perfect life” specially on social networking sites.


The last highlighted area I was focusing on that year was “life changing decisions “. at that time, I probably meant promotions or different romantic relationship request from personnel X, Y and Z.


Little did I know, by the end of 2015 I would've been a completely different person.


As always,


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.



Love and blessings,




If you ever wanted to ask me something,

DM me and it might end up on a Q/A video on YouTube. 

Or, not just tell me you're not comfortable with it being share!



