Never Giving Up & Knowing when to Give Up or Give In.



The importance of never giving up is just as important as knowing when, and to whom you are better off just showing them the white flag and dismissing them (you can’t win all of them).

Never giving up, is important. You never know if the next video, story, person you meet, will Open the door to your destiny.

But don’t be sisters when no one is opening that door for you. Is times like these where you would ultimately be “ your own cheerleader”. Therefore, you would have to open that door for yourself. Learn how to believe the things you desire, where already set aside for you.


That is of course things could benefit you, promote you in life. Remember God or the universe, has plans to benefit you. 

It/He will provide you with blessing, so you can ultimately live your best life.

So, my question to you is… “ Are you allowing yourself to be influenced?”     (I mean that in a negative sense)

Let me tell you about Marco***

(ACTUALLY, I will tell you all about him tomorrow. 

Good night, it’s currently 12:32 AM)





Hey! So, I was telling you about Marco, he was “bad boy” I always wanted back in high school.

It was my own mistake to continue as relationship with him after high school.


 Here’s a tip!!!

     Analyze and examine your personal surroundings. Make the tough decision of cutting of a relationship, is it not benefiting you emotionally.

I didn’t know it back then but Marco and I, we’re never going to work out in the long run.

     Another tip, that just came to mind would have to be to make a 5-year-plan.

If you don’t see your current friends or lovers in it, cut them off, or, distance yourself from them...



I just answered my own question!!!


Have enough independence to know what your boundaries are!

& react accordingly to them each and every day.


It’s OK to be open-minded but, don’t be scared to put your foot down when the employees at the local Motels know you by name.


So, to summarize, never give up on something important to you. Anything can open the door for you, or you can also believe enough in yourself, to know you are strong enough to open it for yourself. God is for you, not against you. Have goals and boundaries in life to reach your greatest potential.


***Names changed

Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind


Reach out to me if you want to get in touch!


Love and blessings,





  1. Small town so Motel employees know you by your name :v still laughing about, give up is just one way to see things, Einstein said madness was expect different results doing the same things, there you have something you can give up, even if you like it Dx, doing always the same things, just take your risk


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