'Meet a survivor' 2020 recap and a few missed..+December's Survivor- Derek 🧠 💚+ Announcement for 1st survivor of 2021!!

Meet the survivors of 2020

    In June, I started off the first Monday of the month with a new series, whose aim is to show appreciation for all survivors And get them that spotlight which we all deserve. For the month of June, we may Emily  After getting in 2 car accidents & a fractured lower back, in the same month which led to having a back brace for 8 months. She, then got into yoga.
    For July we met Andy in November of 2010, he was driving in the suburbs of Miami, with his older brother, they lost control of the vehicle. Unfortunately, his brother didn't make it . But he is doing well. I'll link his podcast which includes an interview with me, we did a while ago.
    During the month of August, we were supposed to meet Juan Carlos. He is a different kind of survivor, he was born with Cerebral Palsy. Which means "a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture". This is usually caused before birth. He volunteers his time with Shake-A-Leg Miami and Dive heart. Follow his story and adventures on his 

    The month of September we were supposed to me Nolan, his story was a little late (my fault), But his story joined Jose’s in the month of October.  On April 23, 2017 my car was surrounded by six people when a gunman shot at me through my driver’s side window".   Jose had his accident on September 11, 2012. He was 16 years old and just got his first carYou can watch the interview we did together for CBS Miami here.  
    The month of November, we were supposed to meet Danielle . (I'm not sure if I posted her story) I just realized, I didn’t. She is a TBI survivor, Kendall Regional Hospital survivors reunite with those who save them.She is currently living somewhere by Texas or New Mexico, as how her husband is stationed by there.
    Last but not least, we are finishing the year meeting Derek A. Tong, this survivor has had a TBI, since his childhood. And he even wrote a book (Till Death Do Us Part: Dealing with Brain Injury and Physical Aggression). I'll leave a little bit of his book's synopsis. (I had to google summary in back of a book, just incase I made someone feel stupid with my terminology )

    "Unfortunately, my wife fell victim to my restless physical aggression as the story unfolds come from my wife the question would be her reaction - till death do us part … or not?"

    The last time I spoke with him he was working on his second book . Unfortunately, the relationship hero about on his first book didn't work out but, only God knows what and why he does something. 
        And, for next year I'm starting the year off with Roger! (Despite the unfortunate coincidence [name], he made me feel comfortable, while I was under his care.)
Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.
Reach out to me if you want to get in touch!


Love and blessings,




