YouOnlyLiveOnce , so don't make the same mistake twice! 😋😋😋

 11/11/20 💫

   As previously mentioned, Terri Savelle-Foe, preaches on being your own motivation in other words being your on personal cheerleader, which means, you would be the only motivation you EVER need. 


   I know, that sounds weird for my guy readers, but I hope you get the point.


   Knowing that you are favored by God or by the universe (you decide), to go after your dreams, wants and desires. Should be enough for you and encourage you NEVER to look back and go after your perfect life. Now, I know that doesn’t always happen, but it’s worth a try at least.


         & Another thing...


Stop playing your problems and or personal issues on God!

    Do you know exactly what you need and is he doesn’t put something someone in the way it’s simply because you have something better coming your way eventually, be patient you can’t rush perfection!!! 


*** Goodnight Beauties, currently 12:31 A.M*** 




   You can do anything and everything you put your mind to.

     Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. 


   Make crazy-ass, super high goals, that if you reach them, you’ll know, that is exactly what you are supposed to be doing.


    Unless something crucial happens no illness, injury (my case: Traumatic Brain Injury). 


    But sometimes (like right now!) you just, have to be like “F U * K” it, let go and let  he does have God has a kid and planned it out and if it’s meant to be it will be .


    Sometimes, I am not sure my goals A-line with my abilities. Yet, I know for sure; I will wing it until I make everyone, including myself believe it. 


    To wrap up this post and to make sure it makes sense to my readers, Be your own motivation!!! Don’t rely on anyone’s approval or thumbs up to continue living YOUR dreams, If/when something gets messed up (IT’S NO ONES FALUT) Life has its perks, upside down and tricks at the same time. You just have to learn to go with the flow.


            Sometimes, you have to admit to messing things up and just hope and pray for the best as well as, taking note of the situation for the next time so you don't repeat the errors. 


“You only live once.

So don’t, make the same mistake twice”

- B.D.R.


Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind 
Reach out to me if you want to get in touch!

Love and blessings,


