What makes you, YOU?

January 23, 2015      

What makes you, YOU?

While reading ahead in my 5-year journal...

I found an interesting question that I do not know exactly how to answer it... 


Okay so I might want to start by saying or realizing 

Who am I? 

and not just the exterior part of me, that I display on social media,

or... the part of me I let my members see. 

But, who am I? REALLY???

I am an independent young girl who loves to work hard and hurts too easily.

I am weak, but, I am also strong. I am open to change;

but, I still prefer everything to stay like it is.

I am dedicated, but still lazy; and like to postpone everything until the last minute.

(still true now...)

I love seeing the bright side in EVERY situation. 

But, my mind usually comes up with the worse situation. 

I am friendly, yet a loner. 

I am open-minded yet hard-headed.

I am an oxymoron within myself & couldn't be happier about it.

    So, now the REAL question is what makes me like this?

* Everything and Everyone who I have allowed to shape and form me 

including but not limited to (myself, God and society) (mostly myself) 

Now, my answer is mostly the same, although, I have to add on my experience with my past... Knowing, I could have been, DEAD, really gave me a YOLO (you only live once) way of thinking. So, I encourage everyone to live to the fullest. 

At the end of the day, you only have to answer to one person.


What makes you, you? 


Love and blessings,
-Beatriz D.

If you ever wanted to ask me something, 
DM me and it might end up on a Q/A video on YouTube. 

