Princess & the 🐸

                             “His just, not that into you.”

Or “She” 

AND... it's better like that.


    Have you ever been in a relationship COMPLETELY and UTTERLY in love with a person, I’m talking about risking everything, just to be with that person (newly started career, that is going really well, School, friends and even family.

    You even pass up the opportunity to continue on oh really good relationship with another really good guy, at the end of the story this relationship almost ended up killing me (LITERALLY).

After, all of that happens, you realize you could’ve been with someone else; Or better yet,


 Written May 18,2016... 

    My lovely readers! I asked you to please, put yourself first. That applies to all except my parent-readers! In that case, 


(Actually, that point brought someone to my mind. Someone I’ve been a real

B I T C H 

too. And, it kills me because he is a really nice guy and a vet.) sidetracked!!! What I’m trying to say. [Had to re-read my writing, TBI MOMENTπŸŽ—️*green*]

If this is you and you are trying to better our relationship.

 That everyone and their mom (their MOM) I am telling you... 
he’s no good for you, it’s because they know what’s good (or better) for you.

But, maybe The universe *God* (Or your personal beliefs) wanted me to be with him 
or maybe I had something worse coming for me because, 
I kid you not , I was going to break up with him ... 
But, I know me and I was probably, going to chicken out πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯,
 once I got home that day and repeat each day like the last.

So, the lesson of the story is, sometimes you are going to cross paths with a frog,
 notice right at the start of the relationship, you too are on a different frequency waves with different goals and aspirations.

You are better off without them!!!
No, matter how hard you try you are not going to change them.

As always,

Thank you for letting me share what's on my mind #RealMVPs.

Love and blessings,
-Beatriz D.

If you ever wanted to ask me something, 
DM me and it might end up on a Q/A video on YouTube. 

As well, remember to make your voice heard by voting tomorrow ! 
Or today!
Make your voice heard!

Not paid by any candidates.   


  1. An unfortunate moment, not a life sentence, putting people first than you at some point is ok, always following side by side, by positive... no hate can spread love :)


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