Survivors of the month ... Nolan!(a lot late; Sept.) & Jose!(a little late; Nov)

(A lot late) 

 MEET NOLAN!!! (Sept. survivor of the month)

    Nolan McDonnell (Coach Nolan) posted this on Facebook... "I was shot in the head. On April 23, 2017 my car was surrounded by six people when a gunman shot at me through my drivers side window. When the shooter saw that I was still alive he put the gun against my head and pulled the trigger causing the bullet to enter one side of my brain and exit out the other. I am sharing my TBI journey to track my progress and I hope to inspire others."

      On his website ( he says his vision is too "My vision is to make a full recovery and share my journey with others. I want to enjoy the people I meet along the way and share everything I have learned, which will ultimately lead me to become a motivational speaker. This vision is something that will keep me moving forward – a drive to help others achieve the most out of life, regardless of their circumstances."

    He shares his daily schedule on Instagram Stories. Go encourage yourself with his positivity (nolanmcdz). It also gives his followers a bit of motivation as he takes us through his days. If he could get so far in life with such a positive attitude  after Dr.'s (like many if not most of us, survivors) told his family there was slim to no chance of recoveries, and much less being in school completing a degree. 
    On his website, he touches a rough, yet true point of being on a different vibe from our friends, families and significant others. He says "I also had to learn how to have platonic and intimate relationships again. The mental side of it all was an entirely different experience to the physical side.". 

    He was featured on a YouTube channel I'll link the video here, My Journey- Nolan McDonnell

    It's crazy how people that you (I) grew up with or were close to pre-accident, now either completely ghost you or prioritize  themselves which is completely normal, no shame there!!! 


    Now-a-days, he is a pretty BIG DEAL on Instagram with 13.5K                    followers!! 

"I wrote the Power of Perspective while on my deathbed after being robbed at gunpoint and shot in the head.  Being close to death, I wrote what I found important in life by dictating my paragraphs to my mother.  With that said. I want to share my book with you for absolutely FREE." (

(A little late)

 MEET Jose!!! (October survivor of the month)


     Jose had his accident on September 11, 2012. He was 16 years old and just got his first car. I will link the interview, I did with him a few years ago- South Florida Survivors: Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor Now Helping Others.
    He was in the car with his best friend, and would make me think what would happen if I didn't take my boyfriend-at-the-time, home before going home myself, would've he been driving? ("Since, he supposedly knew how to react with a faster responds.") 

    Jose was only 16 years old, so relating it back to my own accident would be better, the younger a survivor was because he didn't get to experience a complete adulthood, before, being placed on a life-pause. Around that age, they(teenagers), going have school to worry about. Not including school or social life.  

   I got the honor of meeting him completely on accident. One day, I went to therapy at Baptist, and I had just finished my therapies for the day; I got stopped totally random by I believe the anchor of the news show. Or it might have been by Speech Therapist that offered it to me. And, who am I to pass up such an honor. Who know this might have been my big break. 
- Get spotted to do a T.V. appearance ✓ 
- Catch the attention of a Modeling scout 
- Be offer a contract of $75 million a year for the rest of my life until retirement...
- Travel the world...Meeting and socializing with people all over the world....
- NEVER have to work a day in my life... 😂😂😂
But, let's be honest I'm not a Kardashian. 
Or a Kara & Nate (Travel Vloggers)

So... that was probably not going to happen but, I am still keeping my hopes up. It is all in the Law Of Attraction, that states what you focus on, you bring about.   

