CREATIVE ESCAPE-Stress Reliever & CBD😏 (???)



😂 😂 😂

I’m not going off topic you just don’t understand…


Have you ever gotten so pissed off that you are pretty sure you can pull off a perfect, Evander Holyfield move, biting off someone’s ear?

I know, I have.


Working in member services, most days I just wanted to yell and/or scream at our members through my headset. 

(BUT, I DIDN’T… just in case my former bosses read my blog… 😉)

(& if any of my members read my blog, I don’t mean you; I mean the member right before or after you.)

At these moments, my best artwork was created…









We obviously, ALL have a pet peeve, it’s just that some of us are better at hiding it (i.e. biting our tongue) Whether it be working out, listening to music maybe even writing music. Although, theirs a group of people that don’t tend to lead on an intelligent or creative stress relief, I know there was a time in life where I, let myself far into the peer pressure of smoking with my ex. I'm talking like every weekend or day off. But, at that moment I thought, I was just killing time, in reality I was killing myself with each puff that I inhaled and exhaled. 

The addiction center, states that smoking causes brain damage and that some of that effects on heavy marijuana use on the brain may not be reversible through teens.   

(But, I have personally benefited from marijuana, both Medical and Recreational 😉)


No, I'm not referring to the nights in my past where I would get high but, the CBD that I took to get some sleep in. 

No! I am not encouraging anything to anyone. And, I am not a doctor, YET!!!

So, I highly recommend you referring back to your doctor about the pros and cons first CBD intake.


           I know realize that I have totally shifted lanes and am now sounding like a complete pot head. I promise, I have not smoke weed in about 3 years give or take. 


         Do you guys(gals) notice my personal dilemma with my brain post-TBI, I promise I wasn't always like this. Jumping from one topic to the next.


But, back to the main point of this post, 

don't be a negative Nelly and find your own personal stress reliever. 


Thank you for letting me share what was on my mind. 


You know what, I had I just had this crazy idea if you want a shout out from me on my Instagram Stories just send me a DM.

And also, if you ever need to talk to someone just message me, 

I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

 Can't wait to meet you all!!!


Love and blessings, 

Beatriz 💛💛
