Finding your superpower...

 Could you be a superhero?

Could you be your own superhero?

I believe everyone has the possibility of being their own superhero, 

unless you majorly fu*ked up in which case you may still be your own superhero...

 But, you gotta do some work on yourself. 

Sort of what happen to me, I had a fantastic job; 

A job that college graduates dreamed of having.

Why didn't I appreciate any of it? Just because, I was focused on making my teenage nightmares

come true... It was basically a backwards 

sour patckids... 

...First, it's sweet than it's sour. 

But I was determined by all means to try and change EVERY ASPECT OF SOMEONE else.


But, point of my dreadful story, You CANNOT base your happiness or your amount of self-worth on someone else.


But, actually watching "Supergirl" the other day... 

I do not remember what the exact words was but, I do remember Kara saying something like everyone needs to be their own hero.    


Basically, no one likes a precisian, perfectionist, that has too get everything perfect.


You know, like the “Desperate Housewives”… or was I the only 13 year old that spent summers at noon watching it on ‘Bravo’?   

Oh well… I guess you know my little secret…

I actually, wanted that cookie cutter lifestyle. 

I mean, WAYYY BEFORE, life happened. 


Which brings me to a totally random thought. 

Why does everyone put so much emphasis on 5-year plans, 10-year plans, 25-year plans???

I’m talking people paying someone to create it for them. 

Just to stay commited to it until, life took a left turn instead of the right turn, 

you planned for 13 years ago. 



Sooo, the point to my rant and Thank You if you are still reading… 


Cause point of the matter, depending on your religion, 

There’s only one person you have to explain your life too at the end of the day. 



Instagram📷- @Beatrizpilarr

Youtube️- BeatrizPilarr96

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Thank you, Love you all!


 xoxo, Bea 😘😘

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