Reflecting on a July 17th, news story


Posted Friday,  July 17, 2020.
A month ago... 

         How disrespectful are these people? 

I believe everyone has to be respectful within their own personal beliefs. 

I actually, got a "once-in-a-lifetime" of being in (What I believe was god's presence). Or like one of my therapist said, "When you are about to die, your mind was into this 'naturally high' stage". [I mean the high after you smoked a roll or two πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚] [MOM, I'm sorry if you're reading this] and it was better than most of the times I reached that point.

This is a following excerpt of my autobiography 

currently in iBooks forgotten, until, I get the writing bug



   "I have complete faith that god is with me; I don’t mean this to teach you what to believe because, to each their own, I now know I can complete everything and it will come out as planned. Some people, might even consider it as cocky. But, I have a better to describe it...  

“Some say I’m cocky, I just know God got me” 

-Andy Mineo, Cocky (2013)  


But, at the end of the day... we are all going to face whatever comes after death,               &&& breaking news(!!!) we only have one life (SUPPOSEDLY) 

When, I was asked in a form I filled out what has been my biggest achievement and why?
I wrote this...

         "My biggest achievement has been something which I did not even know I was doing, while I was doing it. That is being alive and surviving to see another day, in May of 2015, I was involved in a car accident that left me in a coma and semi-coma for about 9 months. I never, thought I would be doing this career path. I was ready to move out on my own, but my boyfriend at the time was dragging me to make wrong decisions so I was messing up my own life. I haven’t been completely on my own yet, but I pray, something went through my hard head I hope I learned something available. And, to also trust your gut, and know if you think it’s wrong it is ultimately wrong."

should have continued this with 
"And, what I am most proud of is that, after this experience I am at my upmost confidence level, and I believe anything is achievable therefore, POSSIBLE."

That is your daily 'food for thought' from me.

Please D.M. me with your response, 

so we can belief it's already YOURS together 

if you allow me to I'll be honor to pray         


InstagramπŸ“·- @Beatrizpilarr

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Thank you, Love you all!
 xoxo, Bea 😘😘

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