Being in 'Preparation'...

'Preparation' for what's coming. 

Listening to Elevation mass, on July 12, 2020, 

***Just figured out YouTube does not save 'LIVE' videos so I apologize, 
for referring back to it but, If I find it later, I'll link it.*** 

That was easy and relatively fast to find and I posted up the video itself not just the link!!!  

(Does this mean I'm a REAL blogger?!?!😂😉🙌)

But, in his message he said and I quote... "We must be preparation, for what is to come."
That made me think how we can prepare for disappointments, rejection, heartbreak.

 I know that song does not speak about circumstances that happen to one in life, but it does entail that whatever happens to us has a direct relation to our point of view. 

Our belief system is directly impacted by prospective in (or the outlook of) life.

And, your outlook of how well your life can be.

I'm not bragging, but, I'm much happier now that I "cut off" negative people, situations, and places 

 from my life.

I encourage everyone to do the same... 

⤷ If you find yourself ignoring your family to listen to your friends, 

do the opposite.


⤷If you find yourself hanging around bad people,

do the opposite.


Learn from my own personal experience, don't make your own.

& if you think I sound like your mom also, give me the same respect you give her 😂😂...

Nah, but Yea.


Remember whatever you focus on you attract. 

That goes for almost everything, if not EVERYTHING!!!

 I refer back to my older post “Law of Attraction”…

 I focused on getting a promotion within my anniversary of working with DCFCU, 

after around 9 months, I got a promotion of a job that pays 

$25-$35 an hour. 

(That number is an estimate, as I couldn’t find the salary pay-rate range.)      

 Which, I apologize to my bosses if that is reserved for current employees.



Subscribe and give me ideas of more blogpost and videos!!!

Thank you, Love you all!
 xoxo, Bea 😘😘

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