Turn back the 🕰🕰🕰?

If you would be able to time travel?


Change history would you do it?

     If the decision of turning back time laid in your hands, or your praying skills work immediately & God really wanted things to go a different way, WOULD YOU CHANGE THE PAST EVENTUALLY CHANGING YOUR PRESENT AND, ULTIMATELY YOUR FUTURE?

    Image if we run as fast as the 'Flash, Barry Allen' (charter name) or we could time travel like Henry De Tamble and his daughter, in 'The Time Traveler's Wife. Imagine you had the abilities to go back to a specific time in history... Where you go???

Would you change something?

If you ask me personally, what I would change, if I could go to to the past...
Looking at how my life is completely different now,
(meaning area of studies, my view on life, my relationship views, 
and happiness over all)
weirdly enough, I wouldn't change a lot or anything at all.

      Sounds weird, right? I believe, EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I was involved in some shady business, being completely honest. Even though, I did not mean harm to anyone. I was the cause of my tears and anger-rages, I'm truly sorry about all this at the moment it did not phase me. 

Childhood cartoon  


I remember, what I was thinking about when I went to make that right turn that changed
my life-story. I wonder what would happen if my accident never happened.
Kinda sort of funny now.

"I wonder when this all disappears and they forget me
Will I feel like I found who I was or be more empty?"
"My stress" by NF.

***I'm glad that God or the Universe stopped me that night and showed me the light
or the headlights of the oncoming car BUT, somehow it made me feel peace.***

@seaavision- Beatrizpilarr

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  • Snapchat👻-BeaRiveroo
  • TikTok🎶-BeatrizPilarr
